Tori has been with LMS since 2018 and was recently promoted to marketing manager. Working in Partner Services, marketing face-to-face with our client partners on their campaigns takes up much of her time.

Marketing expertise, writing skills, friendly and enthusiastic contributor to brainstorming sessions define Tori’s skills.  Add to that a strong history in customer service and brand marketing in the retail industry.

“I worked for Publix Super Markets, Inc. for seven years. I spent almost four in the stores as Customer Service Staff and three in the Marketing department as a Brand Marketing Coordinator and a Divisional Marketing Specialist for the Lakeland Division. 

Marketing Face-To-Face With Our Client Partners

Tori was seeking a different marketing position but at a smaller organization.

“I wanted to work somewhere smaller that works with interesting clients, and that was based in Orlando. They invited me in for an interview, and liked the feeling of being there, and have stayed because of the people. I like working with this group.”

What takes up your time when you’re not at work?

Thirty Books in One Year?

“I am an avid reader, and I set up a challenge for 2023 to read 30 new books this year. Now on my fourth. I also love playing video games on my switch, replaying my favorite game of all time, Hollow Knight. I moved back to Denver in August, so I spend a lot of time going out to the 2SLGBTQIA+ spaces in town to find and develop a community.”

Tori also writes poetry with the usual goal of turning the works into songs.

“I also work with a mutual aid group here in Denver where every Monday, we meet to distribute food and other necessities to the unhoused.”

What would you like to achieve at LMS or in your life (or both)?

“I would like to finish getting my Project Management Certification here at LMS, build a strong Partner Services team, and win the business of several new clients.”

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