The purpose of this Information Security and Data Protection Policy (“Policy”) is to put in detail how data is handled at List Management Services, Inc. (LMS) and the actions that are taken to protect and secure all relating software, data, and information. All electronic information assets (data) shall be protected and maintained according to all applicable federal and state laws.

All data handled at LMS is managed responsibly and gathered to be utilized for marketing needs and data analysis.

LMS employees and its subsidiaries must follow this Policy; this includes contractors, consultants, and other external entities.

LMS recognizes the importance of Personal Data and respects the privacy rights of individuals. The purpose of this Policy presents the principles that are applied to the Processing of Personal Data and LMS’s use of Confidential Information. We are committed to safeguarding one of the most valuable assets which belongs to our consumers and there are procedures installed to ensure such security and protection from invasion and breaches.

Our Policy dictates how we process and secure the data we obtain, highlighting how we protect from and respond to data breaches. This is to ensure every level of security is maintained to protect our servers and consumers. LMS follows all related requirements and laws that deal with data protection and information security to properly handle all data and assess possible risks.


All capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined in this Agreement shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms as noted below.

Controller: Controller means ‘the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the Controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.’

Data Breach: Data Breach refers to a security incident where sensitive and personal data may be viewed, stolen, or used by someone(s) unauthorized.

Data Processor: Data Processor refers to the person or organization that processes Personal Data at the behest of the Controller(s).

Data Protection Officer: Data Protection Officer(s) is a designated role assigned to working with the Controller and Processor for the protection of personal data.

GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation regarding data privacy and protection within the European Union (EU). This EU law determines clear guidelines addressing consumer consent guidelines and regulations for international business.

Joint Controller: Joint Controller is a partner company that jointly determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, alongside the Controller.

Personal Data: Personal Data implies data that is relating to a living individual who may be identified by the data or from the data together with other information in the possession of, or is likely to come into possession of LMS.

Processing: Processing is the act of retrieving and securing the data or acting on a set of operations with the data. This may include organizing, adapting, and amending the data as well as erasing or destroying the data. Most actions relative to using data will fall under the terms of Processing which can be done within a mainframe, desktop or laptop, or other similar electronic devices.

Processor: Processor is ‘the entity (that can be natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body) which processes personal data on behalf of the Controller under the Controller’s instructions.’

Services: Services refers to the relevant LMS strategies and solutions provided relating to data processing, movement, and changes.


LMS is committed to implementing an information systems database with the highest level of security and data protection in order to protect and optimize data for various business operations.

The purpose of such security is to provide an appropriate level of confidentiality protecting the information, integrity in maintaining all data properly, and availability regarding necessary updates, required changes, and deliverable output. From passwords to firewalls, access is controlled based on service requirements and there are procedures in place for gaining and controlling access.

Data processing may change depending on which client LMS partners with. For more information about process duration, steps, and additional details, please see the Master Services Agreement.

Regarding concerns over data security and access, formal procedures are in place for reporting, investigating, and recording any incidents. With the help of the Data Protection Officer(s), responsibilities are delegated to avoid communication gaps and to help ensure immediate action for all scenarios. The Data Protection Officer(s) and other managers may be responsible for ensuring all staff/team members are made aware of, and commit to this Policy.

This Policy is maintained and governed by laws and regulations pertaining to data, freedom of information, computer misuse, and more. The intellectual property rights for any software developed on LMS equipment by employed staff/team members belong to LMS unless explicitly covered by a separate agreement.

All unlicensed or unauthorized software will not be permitted on any additional LMS equipment. It is forbidden for any user to load or operate software found on the Internet or other sources unless authorized by LMS and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.


LMS both collects and gathers assorted personal and sensitive data about consumers. Data is collected for marketing and analysis, which is then cataloged for use.

According to the GDPR regulations of 2018, European consumers now have more rights regarding the use of their Personal Data. Upon their request, their Personal Data may be returned or deleted from the databases that LMS manages.


Controllers and Processors shall work together in operating and utilizing data while maintaining all legal standards and regulations. As data protection requirements adapt and change, responsibilities will be distributed as necessary. All parties involved with Personal Data will maintain close communication in order to provide awareness and updates regarding new protocols, concerns, and adjustments.

Responsibilities include maintaining data according to lawful regulations, ensuring all information is accurate and up-to-date. All necessary parties will be informed of potential errors or changes, but LMS cannot be held responsible regarding any errors or changes unless they have accurately reviewed the information or have been informed of them.


LMS collects and processes Personal Data. This may include data received directly from a data subject regarding correspondence over mail, phone, or otherwise, as well as data received from other sources, such as business partners.

Personal Data is only processed for specific purposes such as:

  1. Marketing
  2. Data Analysis
  3. Or for any other purposes permitted by global laws

When the data is collected, we will share the purposes of the data to those whose data we utilize. This Policy and our processes will be continually reviewed to ensure they reflect our Processing intentions and actions. When requested or necessitated, amendments will be made to reflect updates and changes.

To process Personal Data in a lawful manner, it must be processed within legal grounds. This will include consent from the consumer for Processing or the ability to prove that Processing is necessary with a legal obligation or legitimate interest to collect the consumer’s data.

When Personal Data is Processing, additional conditions must be accounted for and LMS shall ensure such requirements are met when it’s necessary for the business.

All data processing shall comply with lawful regulations, making changes as necessary to ensure the security and proper maintenance of sensitive and personal data. The manner in which data is processed and handled by Controllers will be dependent on the client.

The LMS unsubscribe process is as follows:

  1. Insert an unsubscribe time stamp
  2. Migrate email, date added, unsubscribe date, campaign, and rep contact flag into an “Unsubscribe” table
  3. Repeat for each individual requested product

LMS has appointed Data Protection Officer(s) that will provide all data on any specific individual upon request: Anderson Costa.


In order to comply with all legal regulations, Personal Data will:

  1. Be retrieved and processed fairly and lawfully only when all proper conditions are met
  2. Be obtained for lawful specific purposes and will not be processed for any other reasons
  3. Be accurate, relevant, and updated appropriately
  4. Not be retained longer than necessary for specific purposes
  5. Be retained securely and away from unauthorized access, loss, or destruction


The Data Protection Act of 1998 described how organizations must collect, manage, and store Personal Data. The GDPR of 2018 prepared regulations of how Personal Data could be retrieved, deleted, managed, to support consumers and the information gathered from them. These are two of the lawful regulations that are followed by LMS. To comply with these laws, Personal Data must be fairly collected and used, stored safely, and not unlawfully disclosed. Several steps are taken to protect and secure all data used by LMS.

This includes data encryption and security with encryption in transit. Security actions include:

  1. Utilizing encryption capabilities including EBS, S3, and Redshift
  2. Encrypting in transit with TLS across all necessary services
  3. Maintaining flexible key management options to handle control
  4. Encrypting message queues for transmitting sensitive data


On the chance of a Data Breach regarding Personal Data, there is a potential risk to the freedoms and rights of the consumers whose data was managed. Such breaches are taken seriously and in order to mitigate immediate risks of any kind of damage, immediate action shall be taken.

LMS will take all possible measures to eliminate risks of data breaches and establish steps in the case of a breach happening.

Addressing international compliance standards, all consumers and partners will be notified within 72 hours of a breach and will document all relating facts to provide awareness for LMS. Once the notifications have been sent, the Data Protection Officer will consider the breaches so LMS can prepare to implement appropriate measures against continual or similar Data Breaches.


In order to protect against Data Breaches and in preparing to recover quickly if they occur, LMS will be prepared with reliable backup systems. With guidance from the Data Protection Officer(s), the teams will be prepared to manage virus protection, disaster recovery, and any other typical concerns regarding Data Breaches.

By preparing for risk management before any errors or breaches are made, LMS will be able to move quickly and assuredly to close gaps or similar issues so that Personal Data may not be or continue to be, stolen, manipulated, or used unlawfully.


This LMS Policy will be updated in a timely manner addressing any necessary or requested changes for our methods and practices, including new legal regulations. It will be updated by the Data Protection Officer(s) and may be requested for reference at any time.

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